
This module exposes access to the compiler itself and can be used for meta-programming. This is somewhat similar to concepts like the eval function in some dynamic languages except that the code is always contained inside a new function minimizing side-effects.


compileFile(file, [errorCb])

Compiles a given file to a Function. If no error callback is provided, the interpreter will stop as if a syntax error was encoutered in one of the main source files.

fileThe source file path
errorCb   OptionalA callback that will be called. It will be called with message, file, line, col respectively

Returns: A valid Function or null

compile(file, [errorCb])

Compiles a given String to a Function. If no error callback is provided, the interpreter will stop as if a syntax error was encoutered in one of the main source files.

fileThe source file path
errorCb   OptionalA callback that will be called. It will be called with message, file, line, col respectively

Returns: A valid Function or null